Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Zoe and the Beam of Sunlight

I haven't been a dog lover all my life. In fact, if loving dogs paralleled the religious experience some people make it out to be, I might say I spent most of my life as a rather ambivalent agnostic. But then, I once felt that way about having children and we all know how much of a convert I became over that.

Today as I was doing my routine acrobatic runs through the house prepping for work, I looked over into the corner under my mom's baby grand piano that sits in the corner of my living room and there was Zoe, my 3-1/2 year old Peek-a-Poo curled up in a ball in what looked like a 5" beam of sunlight on the floor. I looked around the room and, sure enough, the rest of the floor space was shadowed and gray. She was so happy in that spot you could hear her snoring from the other room.

Later that afternoon, she followed me into another room of the house and did that dog-thing they do where they walk around in circles and then plunk themselves down into a heap of breathing fur. Sure enough, that was the only place in that room where there was a ray of sun, light and warmth. How did she know to do that? Dogs must have a sensor or something. I know she can go from zero to postal in under a millisecond when anyone walks into our yard, even from a seemingly fast-asleep zone. She sniffs around the grass in the front lawn as if she is making a mental note of whose feet were there and who will pay for entering without permission later ... I'm not sure what that's all about, either.

Just the same, this natural search-and-detect function Zoe came equipped with in order to find her happy spot is pretty impressive. I think I used to have one of those myself, once upon a time ago. I could play the "Glad Game" Pollyanna played when she taught the town of Harringtontown how to always look for the good in any person, place or thing.

I forgot that even if the floor I walk on is mostly shadow, there is indeed somewhere a place where the sunlight falls and plenty of room to squeeze myself into it if I want. There are a few things I am going to reeducate myself on, thanks to my curly-haired mentor and companion, Zoe.

Here's what I've come up with so far in compiling a list of "The Zoe Rules to Live By":

1) Love and affection are much more important than food.
2) Food is pretty good, though. (Even if mine is good, I'm going to want some of yours, too.)
3) If you have the urge to play, play.
4) You can sleep anywhere.
5) Even if you smell bad, someone's going to love you.
6) As long as you are lovable, they don't mind picking up after you. Just be careful what you leave behind and where. Look really sorry and pitiful if you realized you messed up, though.
7) When in doubt, wag your tail. Happiness is contagious.
8) Always welcome guests who come to your house.
9) You are not now nor will you ever be, Alpha-Dog. Roll-over and accept it.
10) When it's dark, find the beam of sunshine and stay there. You can always find a happy-place.

Thanks, Zoe.


  1. Thanks Zoe! (and thanks mom.. That was my sunshine for the day:) I love #5. That made me laugh so hard.

  2. Glad it made you laugh. You should have heard me laughing at Zoe's snoring in the corner earlier today. She has been really grumpy this week, but she seems to feel very sorry about that, at least her puppy eyes say that to me. Wow, I guess I am a dog-lover now... oh oh.

  3. I saw a dog today in service that made me die of joy. It was pretty much a gigantic puppy. (huge, really strong...but soooo happy to see me when I walked by) But he did kind of remind me of Zoe' with his ability to graciously accept the new person. And I am currently using the hotel lobby computer to write this and the Arellanes' puppy Lolly is trotting around being cute as can be. What is it about these little creatures than can make us instantly forget the bad.. and just make us smile?

  4. Ah, Julie. The book must be next, OK? Wonderful insight. Loving you, Bonita (BIG dog lover and one always grateful for the light)

  5. You don't know me but we have a mutual friend in Joni, an old friend of mine from NY. I was curiously drawn to your blog from your comment on her 'strong but tired' post this morning. I throughly enjoyed reading about Zoe. I am a cat person myself and they too have a built-in homing device for sun and warmth. They can even relax while wedged on a window sill if the sun is just right. What a gift to be able to live with these little creatures and learn loveable qualities from them.

  6. Hi Cherridah, I don't get notifications when there are comments, so sorry for the delayed reply... Joni is a doll. Hope we get to meet in person one day...
